In my world, the word "blogger" is synonymous with the word "slacker."
I often think about writing, but rarely actually do it.
So anyway, here's where we are now:
I'm 26 weeks, measuring the same fundal height as a woman who is pregnant with a singleton at 36 weeks. The OB says that this means if I go to term (37 weeks, March 25th), I will measure somewhere around 45-50 weeks. Ouchie.
On that note, she is doubtful I will make it that far. Everything looks good, but with the babies gaining 1/2 a pound a week (each), she's thinking I will be lucky to make it into March at all.
OMG! I AM NOT READY!!! I need till March to get my brain in the right place & I really want these babies to stay in until they are big & healthy, even if that means being terribly uncomfortable and whiny.
The babies are moving like crazy. Two nights ago they woke me up kicking for the first time. I was like, "Who is touching me?!?!?" and then realized it was inside! I still love every move they make. As of right now, they have been moving almost non-stop since 4pm, and it's 9:12pm. It might be 90% nothing, but here's a video of my bouncy belly: Specifically check out 0:50 and 1:20, just to the left of the center of the screen. For me, it's super fun to watch. :)
I have a bag of medicine that I carry around with me. It contains: Pepcid AC, a thermometer, Tylenol, Robitussin DM, cough medicine with codeine, stretch oil & lotion for my belly, antihistamine, chap stick, & saline nasal spray. I don't use all of this stuff on a regular basis, but it is just easier to have it all with me than truck up & down stairs to get it.
Umm, so about 4 weeks ago I pulled a muscle coughing hard. Between the stretching & coughing, my ribs couldn't take it. The OB made me see an ear, nose, & throat specialist to see if she could help get my cough under control. When I left her office, I went to the public restroom in the building & as I sat down, the broken toilet seat tossed me off to the side & I almost fell on the floor, further injuring myself. BTW, the ENT visit did absolutely nothing as I was already doing what she recommended. :(
So I've been getting gradually better, but this was to the point that everything hurt... Sneezing, turning corners in the car (I have only driven maybe 4 times in the last 4 weeks or so), deep breathing, & let's not even talk about how hard it is to turn over & get in & out of bed. But this weekend I was feeling really good. I did some light cleaning, vacuumed, straightened up a bit. I was finally getting back to where I felt normal, until today... I was reclined with my arms up over the back of the chair and had a sudden sneeze. It tore through my rib cage and just about killed me. Not only am I hurting again, but it's worse than it was the first time. I see a lot of laying around in my future. :(
I talked to my mom tonight, which helped me feel better, & was telling her about how THIS is just not me. I am not a whining, complaining, aching, crying person. I am strong and I deal with stuff and I move on, but pregnancy is different. This is by far the most difficult thing I've ever done in my entire life. I guess anything else that gave me this many problems, I would have quit long ago, but obviously I can't quit this.
So today was a lot of crying, feeling very alone, "why me's," and wishing it was March 25th now, then came the moment when I read some incredibly wise words from my friend Monique (who happens to be a doctor):
She totally brought the day, and the whole experience into perspective and made me feel so much better. Thanks M! Much love coming your way today! <3
And if you caught the title of my post & what it refers to, kudos!