Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 2014

Connor got mad at me last night. Someone was stinky and I said "Did you poop?" He said no.
I still looked and he jerked away from me and said "No! Pee pee!"
He only had pee, no poop.

This morning Jason gave Melanie more eggs and she said: tain too daddy

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

November 2014

11/2 - M & C were being NUTSO last night
C started squatting down and swinging his arms like a gorilla and going huh huh huh
And he was making himself laugh so hard he kept falling down
he'd stand up to do it again, but just the thought of it would make him start laughing again.
Melanie copied him and was cracking up too.

11/4 - This is how kids convince their parents to do things.
C, pointing at TV: Peppa
Me: No Peppa right now. Let's play with something.
C, bringing me the remote: Peppa.
I take the remote.
C: Thank you.
How can I resist!?!?

11/12 - On days like today, I am humbled & remember one of the many reasons why I married my Jason. I got to work and noticed he had called me 13 times. My ringer was off. I called back & he asked if I had both van keys (he takes our 19m twins to daycare in the morning). I checked & could only find his key in my purse. He said he'd keep looking. I went out to check my car. I didn't have the other one. 10 minutes later he called me back & said he found it. I apologized 1,000 times.
Reverse the situation and I would have been SO MAD and totally freaking out about being late for work, having 2 grumpy babies already in the car. He was calm, didn't say anything mean, and he was like, no big deal, I found it. I love you, see you tonight.
I feel so bad I am still upset. And completely humbled. I definitely owe him.

11/15 - Melanie, Teresa, & I were at the Wild Horse Outlet mall. The song Happy by Pharrell was on. I saw Melanie looking around her stroller to find a place to put her bagel, She stuck it in the pocket and then started dancing in her seat. People were cracking up at her. She loves music.

Monday, November 3, 2014

September-October 2014

9/7 - Jason & I were eating fajitas. Melanie was crying to Jason for food, who kept telling her that it was too spicy (they had already eaten dinner). Connor came over to me and pointed at my food and grunted. I give him a piece of my tortilla & he walked over & gave it to Melanie. She was very happy. :)

9/16 - Melanie and I went to Walmart for some groceries. She waved at a bunch of people & said HI and when we were leaving said Bye Bye to the cashier. :)

10/11 - Went to Oktoberfest at Tempe Beach Park and listened to a live band, then rode our first carousel.

10/14 - C got Hep A vaccine and flu shot.

Connor got some vaccinations today, but Melanie didn't because she was running a fever. In the tub tonight, she ripped off one of his bandaids, which sent him into hysterics. Both of them tried to get it to stick back on. Then she poked him in the eye and ripped off his other bandaid. Poor guy had it rough tonight

10/18 - Megan & Aaron came for a visit with Indy & Chewie. The babies love the puppies. They both call them "puppas." Too many P words in our little lives right now! Papa (Bud), Peppa, & puppas.

10/19 - Tiffany Diamond & Tiffany Reed came over to hang out with Megan & I. We ate pizza and drank a little wine & talked a lot. Amia spent the night with us. The babies love Megan sooooo much!

10/19 - M & A went home. Amia played with the babies a lot. It was kind of relaxing having one more kid there! In the afternoon we went to Ak-Chin Casino & Resort to go swimming with M & C. They had nice areas for them to play in the water & a swim up bar.

10/31 - Halloween was fun. During the day they dressed at a cowboy & cowgirl and that night they were light up stick figures. We went trick-or-treating with the neighbors (Jennifer, Manny, Josie, Maya, & Wes Alvarado). 

Monday, September 15, 2014

August 2014

  • Says some words when she is good and ready! Peppa (pig), mama, dada, bye bye.
  • She loves giving hugs! I call her Huggie Bear.
  • She loves Aunt Jackie and crawls to her to sit in her lap or give her hugs. She even said jah-chee when I told her Aunt Jackie was coming over.
  • Screams and points at things she wants (especially her purple bike!)
  • 8/26 - Got tubes put in ears. Easy, quick procedure and mommy didn't even cry.
  • Often repeats words.
  • Swings arms when she wants you to sing a song.

  • Says a bunch of words... ball, bye, daddy, hi, high five, papa (bud)
  • Loves throwing things, especially balls.
  • Helps load the washer & dryer. Still loves sweeping.
  • 8/7 - When I was leaving, Connor waved at me and said "ba bah"
  • Drags his feet when you're pushing him on his bike. He can almost reach the pedals & tries to put his feet on them.
  • Says open, all done, all gone, bye bye, & blows kisses.
  • I'm seeing signs of OCD in Connor - conversation with him
    • C: pointing at microwave - AAHHH OOHH
    • Me: The microwave is open.
    • C: Open
    • I move on to feeding him again.
    • C: pointing at microwave - AAHHH OOHH
    • Me: The microwave is open. Do you want me to close it?
    • C: Yeah.
    • I close it
    • C: Tanquu.
  • Repeats a lot of words!
Our favorite Peppa Pig clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jil0WCh_UoQ

Connor looks at Melanie last night & says, "Hifive"
she puts her hand up
he stares at her in astonished amazement
walks toward her slowly
and slowly touches his hand to hers
and they both start screaming & cracking up

Friday, August 1, 2014

July 2014

  • 5 teeth - 3 on the bottom, 2 on the top, and getting a molar on the bottom
  • Still likes to whistle
  • Can wink with one eye
  • Goes to bed at 8:30pm
  • Loves playing at water parks
  • Likes cuddling with Kitty and putting her head on her side. She loves fuzzy blankets & pillows too.
  • She gets hot when she sleeps, just like mommy.
  • Screams and waves her arms when you get her tricycle out.
  • Puts her cup on the table when she's done drinking, instead of throwing it on the floor.
  • Likes to take drinks when Connor does.
  • 7/23 - Melanie and I were playing chase last night and she'd crawl toward me and when I was about to get her, she'd go flat on the ground and giggle into the carpet.

  • 5 teeth - 3 on the top, 2 on the bottom
  • Loves going to sleep. We usually bathe them and then put them to bed, but last night we did bath time a little early. When we went down stairs, he started crying and didn't stop until I brought him upstairs and put him in bed.
  • Goes to bed at 8:30pm
  • Loves playing at water parks
  • Goes up and down stairs on his own
  • 7/14 - Starting to "help" with things. I dropped a bib this morning and asked him to pick it up and carry it to the kitchen. He did it.
  • Puts his cup on the table when he's done drinking, instead of throwing it on the floor.
  • 7/23 - Connor runs away from me when I ask him for a kiss in the morning.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 2014

Jason lost his job.
I lost my job this week.
We have enough money to last a few months, but are moving to Arizona on May 23rd. Scary, stressful, sad. I guess it's the 3 S's.
Packing is my life now.


  • Says Kitty - tuh-kih-tee
  • Claps
  • Said "Dada" tonight when Jason came out to get her out of the car.
  • Said "Mama!" when I picked her up from daycare one day.
  • Is SO close to walking. I actually think he walks when we aren't looking. LOL
  • Sometimes cries, stops to check and see if you're watching, then resumes crying if you are.
  • Eats everything except spinach & green beans. He even loves spicy food.

They are at a wonderful daycare, La Casita, with Miss Patty (Patricia Moros) and Miss Claudia. They get to hear English & Spanish. She has a wonderful yard and they are outside a lot, which I love. The inside area is very well organized & full of toys. I hate to switch daycares again. They are so wonderful. We've been so lucky.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Today is one for the records...

I really want to start writing more, so I can go back and relive some of the moments that I cherish most everyday.

Connor finally started getting his first tooth a couple of weeks ago at almost 11 months. Melanie has 2 now.

Saturday, March 1, Jason was cooking & I was feeding the babies. His back was to them & Melanie was kind of yell-grunting to get his attention. She finally raised her hand and, as if something just CLICKED, she said, "HI! HI!" Jason turned around and she was thrilled. She's been doing it ever since. She says hi to the car when we get out, says hi to the sign at daycare when we get there and when we leave, and she said hi to the door today when Jason brought her in from the car. It's absolutely the cutest thing I've ever seen. Although her first word was "mama" or "ama," she uses that word anytime she wants something, to be picked up, fed, whatever, but I feel like "Hi!" is really her first word because she understands she is communicating AND she repeats it when you do it. She's even said hi to the grandparents on Skype.

I'm almost done pumping. I've made it 11 months. While I feel lucky to have been able to nourish my children, give them antibodies & other good stuff, it has been A LOT of work. I hate having to go sit in a room alone for 30 minutes when we are visiting with friends or family. It's a pain to watch babies, keep them out of stuff, keep them away from the pump & hoses & keep them from pulling it off onto the floor. It's frustrating to be tethered to a machine! Only 21 more days. Oddly enough, as much as I hate it, I get a little freaked out about stopping. This is the ONE time in my life I will lactate. I have no plans to have more children, so once I stop, there's no going back. It's such an amazing thing, so have provided the ONLY food my TWO babies survived on for the first 6 months of their lives. We did supplement with formula here and there, but most of their meals were breast milk. It really is an intense feeling to know that you have provided for 2 amazing little people in so many ways.

Now to the reason today is one for the records: Jason lost his job. It's been a long time coming. He really needed to make the change himself, but we were hoping that the company would, after him working there for 6 years, lay him off and give him a severance. He didn't get a severance.

So where does this leave us? Well, for a while the plan has been to move to Arizona. The cost of living is considerably cheaper than it is here on the beautiful California coast. For starters, we will pay $1200-1400 rent for a house the same size we are in now (4 bdrm, ~2000 sq ft). Now we pay $2800. We are going to start looking for jobs there & see what happens.

What will I miss? The temperate weather. The house we moved into together after only being together 5 months. The room where he proposed to me. Our babies' first room. And memories before this... Living in Motel 6, one coworker's guest room (John Perlin), & another coworkers extra room for 7 weeks while I looked for a place here. Having a clothes bar in the back seat of my Passat for my closet & plastic drawers in my trunk for other stuff. My apartment where I lived alone for 5 years.

And our friends. Dan, Holly, Aubrey, Gayle. I will miss them a lot.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

What I will miss most about pregnancy

  1. Feeling the babies kick! I absolutely LOVE it.
  2. Eating. Eating a lot. Then eating some more. Oh, and not gaining weight. And needing to eat more so I gain weight.
  3. Quiet. I'm sure I will miss that.
  4. Boredom. Although I don't miss it right now, I know I will wish I was bored in a couple of months!
  5. Having an excuse for EVERYTHING!