- 5 teeth - 3 on the bottom, 2 on the top, and getting a molar on the bottom
- Still likes to whistle
- Can wink with one eye
- Goes to bed at 8:30pm
- Loves playing at water parks
- Likes cuddling with Kitty and putting her head on her side. She loves fuzzy blankets & pillows too.
- She gets hot when she sleeps, just like mommy.
- Screams and waves her arms when you get her tricycle out.
- Puts her cup on the table when she's done drinking, instead of throwing it on the floor.
- Likes to take drinks when Connor does.
- 7/23 - Melanie and I were playing chase last night and she'd crawl toward me and when I was about to get her, she'd go flat on the ground and giggle into the carpet.
- 5 teeth - 3 on the top, 2 on the bottom
- Loves going to sleep. We usually bathe them and then put them to bed, but last night we did bath time a little early. When we went down stairs, he started crying and didn't stop until I brought him upstairs and put him in bed.
- Goes to bed at 8:30pm
- Loves playing at water parks
- Goes up and down stairs on his own
- 7/14 - Starting to "help" with things. I dropped a bib this morning and asked him to pick it up and carry it to the kitchen. He did it.
- Puts his cup on the table when he's done drinking, instead of throwing it on the floor.
- 7/23 - Connor runs away from me when I ask him for a kiss in the morning.