9/7 - Jason & I were eating fajitas. Melanie was crying to Jason for food, who kept telling her that it was too spicy (they had already eaten dinner). Connor came over to me and pointed at my food and grunted. I give him a piece of my tortilla & he walked over & gave it to Melanie. She was very happy. :)
9/16 - Melanie and I went to Walmart for some groceries. She waved at a bunch of people & said HI and when we were leaving said Bye Bye to the cashier. :)
10/11 - Went to Oktoberfest at Tempe Beach Park and listened to a live band, then rode our first carousel.
10/14 - C got Hep A vaccine and flu shot.
Connor got some vaccinations today, but Melanie didn't because she was running a fever. In the tub tonight, she ripped off one of his bandaids, which sent him into hysterics. Both of them tried to get it to stick back on. Then she poked him in the eye and ripped off his other bandaid. Poor guy had it rough tonight
10/18 - Megan & Aaron came for a visit with Indy & Chewie. The babies love the puppies. They both call them "puppas." Too many P words in our little lives right now! Papa (Bud), Peppa, & puppas.
10/19 - Tiffany Diamond & Tiffany Reed came over to hang out with Megan & I. We ate pizza and drank a little wine & talked a lot. Amia spent the night with us. The babies love Megan sooooo much!
10/19 - M & A went home. Amia played with the babies a lot. It was kind of relaxing having one more kid there! In the afternoon we went to Ak-Chin Casino & Resort to go swimming with M & C. They had nice areas for them to play in the water & a swim up bar.
10/31 - Halloween was fun. During the day they dressed at a cowboy & cowgirl and that night they were light up stick figures. We went trick-or-treating with the neighbors (Jennifer, Manny, Josie, Maya, & Wes Alvarado).