Friday, May 10, 2013

Week 6 - Hell Week


Well this week has really beat all... Mastitis for me with a 103 fever and then Jason got the stomach flu. I guess I am thankful it didn't happen the same day! Babies want to be fed small amounts constantly, which isn't fun with 2. Feed one, feed the other, pump, wait, no, feed the first one again, okay now I can pump, aw crap, feed the second one again. It's vicious.
I think I need to stop trying to breastfeed & just pump. They go back and forth with how well they latch, but the end result is always the same: I still have to pump & bottle feed them. I don't know why they can't get enough on the breast but it's just too much to breastfeed, pump, and bottle feed each one. I'd never sleep again!